WindRose 1.0
Custom Hardware , Firmware and Software for Robotic Cellular Automata Experiments
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Being.hThis file defines the WindRose's Being class
 Config.hThis file is for keeping any general configuration parameters
 Directions.hThis file defines cardinal and relative directions enumerations
 main.cppThis file implements the setup and loop of a WindRose board as a cellular automaton
 Sensing.hThis file contains the Sensing types, the sensors enumeration, and defines the sensing holder SensingData
 SSMachine.hThis file defines the WindRose's Serial State Machine Control class SSMachine
 WindRose.hThis file defines the WindRose's board class WRBoard (the body)
 WRMux.hThis file defines the WindRose's Multiplexer Control class WRMux